Press release                                                                                   03.03.2012


District Level Perspective building Seminar on

12th Five year plan for People’s Representatives

5 March 2012, Monday at Panchayat Bhavan, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram

Thiruvananthapuram:  Kerala Grama Panchayat Association and Kerala Voluntary Agencies League (KAVAL), Santhigram jointly organizing a seminar on March 5 at Panchayat Bhavan, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram on the approaches and objectives of 12 five year plan and to provide guidance to Local Self Government Institutions to plan and implement programs keeping in view the approaches and objectives.

Remani. P. Nair, District Panchayat President will inaugurate the seminar and Former Member of Palnning board C.P. Narayanan will give the keynote address. District Panchayat Vice President Rufus Daniel,  P.T.Mathew President, KeralaGrama Panchayat Association, Suppi Narikkatteri General Secretary, Kerala Grama Panchayat Association, Adv. M. Manikandan, President, Kerala Block Panchayat Association and SAHAYI Director G. Placid will lead the discussions.

Elected representatives, Officials, Working Group Members, representatives of Voluntary agencies and others interested in attending the seminar.

For more details (M) 9287548234, Phone: 0471- 2269780


