Press release                                                                                   03.03.2012 “DEVELOPMENT WITH CARE” District Level Perspective building Seminar on 12th Five year plan for People’s Representatives 5 March 2012, Monday at Panchayat Bhavan, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram:  Kerala Grama Panchayat Association and Kerala Voluntary Agencies League (KAVAL), Santhigram jointly organizing a seminar on March 5 at Panchayat Bhavan, […]

Jackfruit Promotion Council (JPC) Formed

Press Release                                                                                                      26-12-2011 Jackfruit Promotion Council (JPC) Formed NABARD support offered by CGM for State wide initiatives Thiruvananthapuram: As a follow-up to the National Jackfruit Festival 2011 organized by leading voluntary organizations and local Self government Institutions (LSGIs) in association with State Horticulture Mission and NABARD in Thiruvananthapuram which attracted wide attention, the participants have […]


Good Governance, Transparency & Decentralisation Press release                                                                                   07.08.2011 SANTHIGRAM CELEBRATES SILVER JUBILEE Vizhinjam: Santhigram, a community based voluntary development organization engaged in holistic community development activities, in the backward Villages of Thiruvananthapuram District, celebrates the silver jubilee this year. The year-long celebration will commence on 15th August 2011. Santhigram is the first NGO to have voluntarily […]

Vocational Skill Training: Jobs, Opportunities and Challenges State Level Workshop, November 16 Venue: Santhigram, Vizhinjam

Vizhinjam: Bangalore based Functional Vocational Training and Research Society (FVTRS) in collaboration with Santhigram will be organizing a one day state level workshop on ‘Vocational Training, Jobs, Opportunities and Challenges’. The workshop on November 16 to be held at Swaraj Bhavan, Santhigram will be inaugurated by Mr T Rufus Daniel, Vice President, District Panchayat at […]